Uniforms, Equipment, Trophies, Insurance — and a Newly Renovated Field are Costly
Miracle League of Massachusetts provides both spring and fall baseball seasons plus occasional events, like bingo nights and family picnics at no charge to athletes and their families. Instead, we rely on
individual and business donations to cover our expenses, with amount to more than $150/athlete each year.
Funding Beyond Operating Expenses
Travel Team Support. This June, we're sending two teams to Cooperstown, NY to play baseball with 5 Miracle Leagues from across the country. We want all athletes who want to join to have this opportunity and so we offer a grant to those who need financial assistance.
Miracle Field. With about 150 athletes playing their hearts every spring and fall, the Joseph Lalli Miracle Field sees a lot of action! After 12 years of this wear & tear (and New England weather), the surface had worn down to asphalt in many spots, so in the summer of 2024 we replaced the surface at a cost of $217,000. We now need to raise funds to ensure when the field needs to be replaces in another 10 years, we will have the resources available.
Please help support our athletes by donating to the Miracle League of Massachusetts.
Miracle League of Massachusetts is a 501(c)(3) non-public charity. All donations are tax deductible.

Prefer to donate by check?
Mail your check to Miracle League of Massachusetts, PO Box 524, Acton, MA 01720
Stock Donations
Gifts of appreciated stock or mutual funds are another great way to give to Miracle League of Massachusetts. You receive an income tax deduction for the full fair market value of securities you have owned for more than one year—subject to the usual limitations—and you will avoid capital gains taxes on these assets. To transfer securities to the Miracle League of Massachusetts, please email us at fundraising@miracleleagueofma.com or call us at 978-263-3043.