Everyone deserves a chance to play baseball

Become a Miracle League of Massachusetts Sponsor

Since 2008, we have provided over 500 athletes from across Massachusetts (and a few from New Hampshire) with the opportunity to play baseball in an organized non-competitive league at no cost to their families. Sponsors, especially local businesses, are a critical part of the Miracle League community. We invite you to help defray the $50 per athlete per season cost to operate the league, help us provide uniforms for all the athletes, t-shirts for the more than 250 volunteer coaches and buddies — and experience the joy of Miracle League.


Benefits of sponsorship include:


  • Publicity on our website, linking to your website
  • Name on volunteer/buddy t-shirt


  • Publicity on our website, linking to your website
  • Logo on more than 250 buddy t-shirts


  • Publicity on our website, linking to your website
  • Logo on more than 250 volunteer buddy t-shirts
  • 2x4 banner at Miracle Field

Home Run

  • Publicity on our website, linking to your website
  • Logo on more than 250 buddy t-shirts
  • 3x6 banner at Miracle Field
  • Recognition by announcers at every game

Grand Slam

$ 5000 per year for 5 years
  • Publicity on our website, linking to your website
  • Logo on more than 250 buddy t-shirts
  • Logo on 3 x 6 banner at Miracle Field
  • Recognition by announcers at every game
  • Logo in one of the on-deck circles on Miracle Field

We appreciate the support of these generous sponsors.

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Miracle League is a true community. We hope you'll be a part of it.

Miracle League of Massachusetts is sponsored by: